Air Quality Data Of 300 Gamers At LANWAR 72!

Air Quality Data Of 300 Gamers At LANWAR 72!

LANWAR 72 was an awesome experience with over 300 gamers, 4 days of non-stop gaming, and, according to our Apollo AIR-1, some pretty decent air quality! This was surprising to us because gamers aren’t exactly known for the freshest aromas… Haha! We loved sponsoring the event and already can’t wait until LANWAR 73 to sponsor, see everyone, and game again! So please join us at the next event, happening January 16-19, 2025 (Thursday-Sunday). Be sure to check out the LANWAR website and Discord!

First, let’s look at the CO2 levels. There are a few spikes here and there, especially when the HVAC went down, but overall, the air quality stayed in a good range. It’s best to keep indoor CO2 levels below 1,000 ppm, and besides us breathing on it when setting it up, it maintained those levels!

Next, we have the VOC data. Usually, in a room full of gamers, you might expect some funky spikes, but the VOC levels were pretty steady. VOCs can be triggered by things that aren’t necessarily bad, like perfumes, cologne, citrus, etc., so it’s most likely someone walking by or opening an energy drink that caused the spikes. The HVAC is probably to blame again as well. VOC is an index that you typically want below 100, and you can see from the graph that it behaved for the most part.

The last graph shows the different particulate matter sizes (PM 1, 2.5, 4, 10). With all the dust from the gaming PCs, you’d think the air would be full of PMs, but it stayed pretty clean. Those little spikes were probably caused by the HVAC again or by someone walking or standing near the device. Simply brushing your hair can release tiny PMs that can trigger the sensor.

So, the next time someone jokes about gamer BO, just point them to these graphs because it’s not that bad after all! We are happy to answer any questions!

Justin Bunton
Apollo Automation

(I received the data from the LANWAR staff HA RPi which is why these aren't HA graphs. Haha!)

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