Hello everyone!
We're excited to invite you to our very first live Q&A session! Join us on YouTube this Monday, April 15, at 8:30 PM EST. We'd love to talk about the new MTR-1 (Multi-target radar sensor), existing sensors, future plans, and anything else. We'll have a few give aways so tune into the Q&A! Link for Q&A
During the session, we'll be discussing Apollo's latest sensor is the MTR-1. It uses the LD2450 mmWave sensor, which offers multi-target tracking and user-configurable detection zones. The MTR-1 also measures LUX/UV, pressure, addressable RGB pixel, piezo buzzer, and an optional CO2 sensor. Like our other products, it is quite compact at just 40x32x13 mm. The USB port is located on the back of the device, making it easy to hide the cable. It also is designed with future expandability in mind, featuring a modular connector for additional sensors and power options. Additionally, all related resources, including CAD models and .yaml files, are open-source and readily available on our GitHub. We've just completed a beta process and the MTR-1 is available for pre-order, and we expect to begin shipping in early May! MTR-1 Link
Feel free to drop any questions you might have in advance here or save them for the live session. We’re excited to engage with our community and share what we’ve been working on, including the MTR-1, which is now available for pre-order and will begin shipping in early May.
Throughout our beta testing of the MTR-1, we ended up with extra units of a previous iteration—these units are just as functional but do not include the rear-facing USB port. We'll give these away to participants in the Q&A.